Wednesday 27 July 2011

Golden Jubilee Diamond

The Golden Jubilee is currently the largest faceted diamond in the world. Since 1908, also known as the Great Star of Africa, had held the title, which changed following the 1985 discovery of a large brown diamond of 755.5 carats (151 g) in the prolific blue ground of the Premier mine in South Africa; the diamond would later be cut to a weight of 545.67 carats (109.13 g).
The Premier mine was also the origin of the Cullinan diamonds in 1905, as well as other notables such as the Taylor-Burton in 1966 and the Centenary in 1986.
The "Unnamed Brown", as the Golden Jubilee was first known, was considered something of an ugly duckling by most. It was given to Gabriel Tolkowsky by De Beers for the purpose of testing special tools and cutting methods which had been developed for intended use on the flawless D-colour ("colourless") Centenary. These tools and methods had never been tested before, and the "Unnamed Brown" seemed the perfect guinea pig; it would be of no great loss should something go amiss.
To the surprise of all concerned, what resulted was a yellow-brown diamond in a fire rose cushion cut, outweighing Cullinan I by 15.37 carats (3.07 g). The stone remained largely unknown to the outside world, as the Golden Jubilee's sister, the Centenary, had already been selected and promoted to herald De Beer's centennial celebrations in 1988.
The unnamed diamond had earlier been brought to Thailand by the Thai Diamond Manufacturers Association to be exhibited in the Thai Board of Investment Exhibition in Laem Chabang. There was a mile-long queue to see the diamond, which outshone all other exhibits.
While the current whereabouts of the Centenary are unknown, the Golden Jubilee is known to have been purchased from De Beers by a group led by Henry Ho of Thailand in 1995. The diamond was brought to Pope John Paul II in the Vatican to receive the papal blessing. It was also blessed by the Supreme Buddhist Patriarch and the Supreme Imam in Thailand. The Golden Jubilee Diamond (Thai: เพชรกาญจนาภิเษก) was named by King Bhumibol Adulyadej and given to him in honour of his 50th coronation anniversary. It was initially planned to mount the Golden Jubilee in the royal scepter. A subsequent plan was to have it mounted in a royal seal.
The Golden Jubilee Diamond has been exhibited at Henry Ho's 59-story Jewelry Trade Center in Bangkok, the Central Department Store in Lad Prao (Bangkok) Thailand, and internationally in Basel (Switzerland), Borsheims in Omaha, USA (owned by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc.), and Gleims Jewelers in Palo Alto, USA. It is now located in the Royal Thai Palace as part of the crown jewels.

Tuesday 19 July 2011


Fluorescence (a variety of luminescence) is the light radiation due to a reaction of the material atoms when exposed to incident light.
Emission of light by a diamond when exposed to ultraviolet radiation is termed as Fluorescence.In better colors presence of Fluorescence reduces the Brilliance of the stone while in weaker colors presence of Fluorescence adds more Brilliance to the stone.
We grade Fluorescence as follows:

We do provide Fluorescence Color also if any.
Fluorescence colors like White, Blue, Yellow, Green, and Orange are having direct impact on the overall color of the diamond.
Depending on the nature and type of bonds that other elements form With Carbon atoms of a diamond crystal, fluorescence can be of different colors.


Luster is basically the light reflected from the surface of the diamond.
It is also referred to as Brilliance, Sparkle or Fire. Luster plays very important role as it is directly related to the beauty of the diamond from its Face Up.

Naked Eye Appeal:

Naked Eye Appeal is Universal Term accepted by majority of the Customers.
We want to give our Customers grades for Naked Eye Appeal for more advanced understanding of the Beauty Of Diamonds from its Face Up.
Naked Eye Appeal the word itself describe its meaning, generally customers before finalizing a diamond for buying see its impact naked eye.
We grade naked eye appeal on the basis of Diamond's Make (Cut),Color tone from Face Up & Impact of Inclusion from Face Up.
We Grade Naked Eye Appeal as Follows :

Internal Graining:

Internal Graining are lines, Angles or curves that might appear whitish, colored or reflective or affect transparency at 10X, caused by irregularities in crystal growth. Internal Graining are not invisible to the naked eye.
We do provide grades for Internal Graining in the stones. Internal Graining also affects the face up look of the stone. Thus becomes important to grade them.
We grade Fluorescence as follows:

IG 0 indicates No Internal Graining.
IG 1 indicates very light internal graining. They are not easily visible. We have to search them precisely through 10X loupe. Thus it doesn't affect Face up look of the stone to the great extent.
IG 2 indicates Medium Internal Graining. They are easily visible through 10X loupe.It does affect the Face Up look of the stone.
IG 3 indicates Heavy Internal Graining. They affect the overall Face up of the stone. Sometimes in higher clarity grade due to its heavy impact Clarity of the stone is also downgraded.
{Note: We grade Internal Graining in the stones having Clarity SI3 & better towards VVS1}

Open Inclusions:

We do provide grades for Open Inclusions in the stones, as opens are also very much imp as far as providing the information to the customer is concerned.
When inclusions within the Diamonds are open near the surface then such flaws are called Opens. It can be a chip, nick, pit or cavity. Naturals on the surface are also considered in Opens.
We also provide location of the Open Inclusion where it is located whether it's in Table or Crown or Pavilion.
Locations of the Open Inclusions are as below:
TOP  = Table Opens
COP = Crown Opens
Pop = Pavilion Opens
Grades for Open Inclusions:
Grades will remain the same as below in all the location whether it's TOP, COP or POP...
We grade open inclusions as follows:

Black (Nartical) inclusion:

Black (Nartical) Inclusions: Out of the total inclusions present in the stone what proportion of them are black, grade of Black or Nartical inclusion is finalized.

We grade Black Inclusion as follows.

NT 0 indicates No Black Inclusions are present in the stone. It's a No Black Stone.
NT 1 indicates Minor Inclusion (0 to 10% of the total) is Black in the Stone.
NT 2 indicates Medium Inclusion (10 to 35% of the total) is Black in the Stone.
NT 3 indicated Major Inclusion (35 to 80% of the total) is Black in the Stone.
NT 4 indicates Most Inclusion (80 % & above of the total) is Black in the Stone.


About Me

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We, at S. P. Gems, boast of a decade long experience in dealings of brown diamonds. We are manufacturers, exporters & dealers of brown argyle diamonds in round and fancy shapes from 0.01 cts. to 20.00 cts. We export cognac and champagne colored diamonds to USA, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Israel, Belgium, Taiwan & many European countries. The diamonds go through a strict grading pattern and our prices are very competitive. We cater to the orders and needs of our clients as per their requirements and description. Our company is promoting these sizzling brown elegant beauties which comes in C1-C8 color grade, VVS to Pique clarity, in round & all different fancy shapes.